Hoblin's Game

"Entry Granted: Ahaz"

"Welcome, come in," Hoblin said to Ahaz, inviting him in. "Are you the master?" Ahaz asks. "I'm the master of this establishment, if that's what you mean," Hoblin answers. "Mine aim miss ah ha's! bud eve rewind calls Mia ha, lie kah-ha's,"? he answers. "I've been expecting you," Hoblin says. "How's that possible?" Aha'as asks, "I just wandered in after noticing these are the two doors everyone in town is talking about." "You're here, aren't you?" Hoblin asks. "Yes," he answers. "Then you are right here right now, as you were intended to be for however long you are here," Hoblin confusingly explains. "I don't understand," Aha'as admits, "Hi mat rind as aye high down fall ha you."? Aha'as's South Slope accent more noticeable as he gets more and more nervous, making it more difficult to understand each time he talks. "What?" Hoblin accidentally slips out. "Fuel in my self, high gas,"? Aha'as speaks rapidly. "You have to speak slower, I'm getting old in years," Hoblin tells the boy. "Can. You. Teach. Me. Kung. Fu?" Aha'as asked slowly. "I can teach you strength," Hoblin answers, "but inner strength that harnesses your will power, not kung fu to blindly hurt people as if that is why a master invested his time teaching a student; to watch them hurt others with the lessons based on great ancient philosophies." "We lies tell knee two pro, tech-9 self, so why won Tues teddies sum ding mezz sure a bull war high can seal evils oven prove meant,"? Aha'as explains. "Inner strength fits right into the category you want," the master informs. "Canoe misery Norst rent?"? Aha'as asks. "Yes, I can," Hoblin answers, "Strength equals determination plus resiliency minus cowardice. And inner strength is approximately half that value." "How can that be?" young Aha'as once asks. "That is how strength is measured," Master Hoblin explains. "Okay, ten how do you'd a find deter man nation,"? Aha'as wonders out loud. "The willingness to persist," Hoblin answers. "Budd at canned beam as yard mass tour,"? Aha'as argues. "Then assign a numeric value to the persistence by measuring it in terms of time and percent of task accomplished per time unit," Hoblin explains. "Water buttery silly cents he?"? Aha'as asks. "The ability to quickly recover and repeat the same behavior that had lead to requiring a recovery, measured in units of time," Hoblin answers politely. "How do you measure that," Aha'as shouts out in disbelief. "By assigning the recovery time a numeric value," Hoblin instructs. "Bed at wood bee an egg at eve all you reseal in sea is hint egg at eve,"? Aha'as jumped in with an argumentative query, certain that Hoblin would be stumps. "...and resiliency is the negative values, or reverse, of the values assigned to recovery time," Hoblin finishes his sentence, slightly chagrined by the student's assumptions. "Oh came as tour water bow cow are diss canoed he find at hand a sign in number?"? Aha'as asks. "Cowardice is the fear of loss; nothing more," the master admitts. "Sir ten leader can knot beam as sure head Hoblin con knit?"? Aha'as asks. "It is measured by taking the negative value of the amount of time that lapses before an opponent retreats from battle," Hoblin explains. "And then what?" Aha'as says with a cheesy grin. "Once all those values are assigned, defined, and refined, they can define strength with a quantifiable (measured) scientific value," Hoblin says. "Wow! That's interesting Hoblin," Aha'as admitts. "But there's more," Hoblin offers. "More? Okay, go on," Aha'as invites Hoblin to continue. "Fractional amounts, which can be converted into percentage values, can be calculated if there is a willingness to retreat but not the action of retreating. As opposed to measuring the time that lapsed. This value includes the measurement of will power," Hoblin continues. "I'm confused. Do you have an example?" Aha'as asks. "Perhaps as is the case if an army is forced to stay and fight a losing battle or the case of a lover willing to retreat from a relationship. Both retreat knowing they've been (emotionally) defeated in the battlefield," Hoblin answers. "And what about will power? Can I measure that?" Aha'as asks. "In the case of measuring the..." He pauses." ...will?" "...that will take further examination," Hoblin finishes after his pause was interrupted. "Then what about how to measure faith as a numeric value?," Aha'as asks. (Coming soon) "Faith is a true or false value..." Hoblin pauses again. "Let me guess: 00 for No Response?" Aha'as jokes. "...or Not Applicable, 01 for No, and 10 for Yes. It's a new spin on the old binary values," Hoblin completes. "Since..." Hoblin pauses yet again, but this time with a stern look, daring Aha'as to interrupt. ...courage, which is the negative value of cowardice, is increased by the act of staying, even if against the willingness or desire of that person to retreat is greater than the desire or willingness to stay. "That opens the path to a discussion on surrendering of the will," Aha'as inquires in statement format. "To surrender in battle most likely leads to the same result as fighting to the death; therefore, there is no value in surrendering if the result is the same. But there is value in courage, which we just assigned, defined, and quantified into a numeric value correlated to strength and directly proportional to determination and resilience." Hoblin says. (Scroll down to find out how or jump back to when Hoblin was expecting him) "What about inner strength?" Aha'as asks. "With inner strength, I was able to predict my own future to a certain point," Hoblin begins explaining. Aha'as just stares at him with a blank expression. "When it became clear a young man was about to enter into my immediate future, I began to foresee the events," Hoblin explains. Aha'as still blank. "As time started passing, the expectation of you entering from my future into the present grew in correlation to how much more likely that event was going to occur," Hoblin states. Ahaas shakes his head. "I know it sounds like fiction Mr. Ahaz," Hoblin says, addressing Ahaz by his formal name, "but the truth is usually far more stranger than the wildest fiction you can imagine." "I've heard that before," Aha'as claims. "Hearing it means nothing until you realize that it's true," Hoblin explains, introducing the next topic.NT...

Coming Soon

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